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A Declaration of CONSENSUS


As the Descendants of Liberty, we Join together in Order to promote the general Welfare and Rights of young Adults and our Posterity. As a Body of the People, we Establish and Affirm these Guiding Principles of Self-Rule:

Embrace Diversity – Working together, we can Each help make the Difference.

Respect Equality – All Members have Equal Rights and must be treated as Equals.

Defend Liberty – The Freedom to Think, Speak, or Participate however we Choose.

We shall Assemble three Branches of Leadership – the Regents, the Statists, and the Custodian. These Branches are Joined together by our Membership, forming the Body of Young Nation. In Order to achieve our Missions, the Leadership shall serve to facilitate Actions based on Petitions of Members and Affirmed by the Consensus of both our Leadership and our Membership. 


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